@article{oai:iot.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000061, author = {鈴木, 郁宣 and 土田, 勝 and 菅谷, 諭 and 木村, 昭悟 and 原田, 登 and SUZUKI, Ikunori and TSUCHIDA, Masaru and SUGAYA, Satoshi and KIMURA, Akisato and HARADA, Noboru}, issue = {11}, journal = {ものつくり大学紀要, The Bulletin of Institute of Technologists}, month = {}, note = {砂面のような有彩色の投影面上における投影画像の色再現性向上を目的に,プロジェクタへの入力画像の色 補正手法の検討を行った.実験では人工砂を木板に貼り付けて作成したスクリーンに,24色のカラーパッチからなる 色票の投影画像の色再現性を評価した.その結果,プロジェクタにおける各原色が独立でない場合でも良好な色再 現結果が得られることを確認した., We discussed and conducted experiments of color correction for projecting images to a sand surface. In experiments, we used a flat-screen made of a wooden board and artificial sand. Color reproduction accuracy was evaluated using a color chart and its image captured by a digital camera. Experimental results show that the colors of each patch on the color chart were well reproduced, and our method could be applied to a case where the primary colors of the projector were not independent of each other.}, pages = {17--24}, title = {砂面への投影画像の色再現性に関する検討(第1報)}, year = {2021}, yomi = {スズキ, イクノリ and ツチダ, マサル and スガヤ, サトシ and キムラ, アキサト and ハラダ, ノボル} }