@article{oai:iot.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000051, author = {藤澤, 政泰 and FUJISAWA, Masayasu}, issue = {1}, journal = {ものつくり大学紀要, The Bulletin of Institute of Technologists}, month = {}, note = {In a conventional processing, aspheric surface was generated with precision grinder, and its surface roughness is 0.4 μm. So the surface roughness has improved to 0.01 μm by constant pressure polishing. However, accuracy of aspheric shape has deteriorated by the polishing. Then I have developed a new polishing technique which generate accurate aspheric surface within 0.1 μm deviation by controlling density of polishing pad path., 本研究では軸対称非球面を創成する研磨技術を開発した.創成研磨は,非球面の形状精度を向上するだけでなく,数億円という高価な非球面創成研削盤による前加工を不要にする.つまり,汎用のNC研削盤による前加工でも,創成研磨によって目的の精度の非球面を加工できることを意味し,劇的なコストダウンが可能となる.}, pages = {2--7}, title = {非球面創成研磨技術の開発}, year = {2010}, yomi = {フジサワ, マサヤス} }