@article{oai:iot.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000040, author = {降旗, 翔 and 大塚, 秀三 and 八木, 修 and 荒巻, 卓見 and FURIHATA, Sho and Shuzo , OTSUKA and Osamu , YAGI and Takumi , ARAMAKI}, issue = {5}, journal = {ものつくり大学紀要, The Bulletin of Institute of Technologists}, month = {}, note = {Surface protection ability of specimens consisted of mortar and four kinds of silane penetrant both treated at 5°C, 20°C and 60°C, respectively, was measured after three days curing period. In the case of penetrating depth, it became long when the silane temperature was 5°C and the mortar temperature was raised. On the other hand, it became shot when the mortar temperature was 5°C and the silane temperature was raised. As for the ability defined by ratios of permeability, absorption and carbonation depth, it improved when the silane temperature was 5°C and the mortar temperature was raised. When the mortar temperature was 5°C and the silane temperature was raised, the ability defined by ratios of permeability and absorption improved. In the case of a ratio of carbonation depth, however, it improved in using three silanes and declined in using one silane., 本研究では,既往の研究³⁾~⁶⁾を参考に成分の異なる4 種類のシラン系表面含浸材を選定し,モルタル供試体とシラン系表面含浸材それぞれの温度を変化させた場合の温度依存性について検討する.既報の研究²⁾により,温度が高い程表面保護効果が発揮されるのに対し,温度が低い場合においては表面保護効果が十分に発揮されないと思われるため,本研究の範囲内において最悪な環境条件を想定した温度5℃を基準とし,モルタル供試体の表面温度あるいはシラン系表面含浸材の温度を変化させた場合における温度依存性について明らかにする.}, pages = {57--62}, title = {処理温度が異なるモルタルおよび4 種類のシラン系表面含浸材が与える養生3 日後の表面保護効果}, year = {2014}, yomi = {フリハタ , ショウ and オオツカ , シュウゾウ and ヤギ , オサム and アラマキ , タクミ} }