@article{oai:iot.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000256, author = {松本, 崇洸 and 田尻, 要 and 守家, 和志 and 木村, 奏太 and MATSUMOTO, Takahiro and TAJIRI, Kaname and MORIYA, Kazushi and KIMURA, Souta}, issue = {11}, journal = {ものつくり大学紀要, The Bulletin of Institute of Technologists}, month = {}, note = {The Japanese tourism industry was severely damaged by the effects of the COVID-19, which began to spread in 2020. Coronavirus damage continues even in Nagatoro Town, Saitama Prefecture. To eliminate the anxiety of tourist destinations, it is necessary to know what kind of tourists are acting with what kind of consciousness. In this study, we analyzed the effects of infectious diseases on the choice of tourist destinations and the evaluation of manners among tourists during the spread of infectious diseases. As a result of the analysis, from the summer to the fall of 2020, the number of visits considering infection decreased in Nagatoro Town. However, there were a certain number of tourists who were afraid of infectious diseases. Those who were concerned about infectious diseases were particularly afraid of crowding. To raise the evaluation of tourist destinations, it is necessary to improve the local manners.}, pages = {37--41}, title = {コロナ禍の長瀞町における観光者の来訪意識と観光地評価に関する基礎的研究}, year = {2021}, yomi = {マツモト, タカヒロ and タジリ, カナメ and モリヤ, カズシ and キムラ, ソウタ} }