@article{oai:iot.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000230, author = {韮塚, 玲奈 and 田尻, 要 and 守家, 和志 and 木村, 奏太 and NIRAZUKA, Reina and TAJIRI, Kaname and MORIYA, Kazushi and KIMURA, Souta}, issue = {10}, journal = {ものつくり大学紀要, The Bulletin of Institute of Technologists}, month = {}, note = {By the Urban Planning Law of 1992, it has become the duty to reflect the opinions of citizens in town planning. Workshop Nationally general that citizens participate. Also, in the continuously vibrant municipality, a citizen often works on community building in independent way personally. But, there are not study examples that evaluated the influence that independence gives to a workshop quantitatively. In this research, I am Focusing on each utterance contents and independence at the held workshop in Saitama prefecture Gyoda city, the study of effective workshops. Divided independence into six factors were quantitatively evaluated. Utterance content was evaluated by classifying the quantity and quality of utterance. In the relationship between the distance and independence from the theme, it was found that spontaneity and self-assertion is high. People who have this independence is considered to be an ideal person to workshop. By this person to participate in the workshop, it can be carried out effective workshops., 本研究では事業効果の検証が必要であることから,住民意識の変化を指標として,当該事業効果と住民のまちづくり意識に及ぼす影響について調査を実施した.}, pages = {43--48}, title = {行田市中心市街地の活性化施策が住民のまちづくり意識に及ぼす影響に関する基礎的研究}, year = {2021}, yomi = {ニラヅカ,  レイナ and タジリ, カナメ and モリヤ, カズシ and キムラ, ソウタ} }