@article{oai:iot.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000225, author = {澤本, 武博 and 辻, 正哲 and 坂本, 大河 and 舌間, 孝一郎 and SAWAMOTO, Takehiro and TSUJI, Masanori and SAKAMOTO, Taiga and SHITAMA, Koichiro}, issue = {10}, journal = {ものつくり大学紀要, The Bulletin of Institute of Technologists}, month = {}, note = {The paper on relation between preliminary moist curing and compressive strength of concrete written by Walter. H. Price is widely known. In the paper written by Price, when the moist curing is stopped, the rate of strength gain slows down as water is lost from the concrete, and further strength gain soon ceases.However, it was experimented about 70 years ago, and that concrete material was different from present one. In this study, the effects of preliminary moist curing period on the strength development of concrete until the age of 5 years were examined with present materials. As a result, a 3-day period of underwater curing allowed the concrete to reach 70% of the potential 5-year strength which could be achieved with continuous underwater curing. A 7-day period of underwater curing could allow the concrete to reach 75% of the potential 5-year strength which could be achieved with continuous underwater curing. A 28-day period of underwater curing could allow the concrete to reach 80% of the potential 5-year strength which could be achieved with continuous underwater curing. In case of long age, a 3-day period of underwater curing allowed the concrete to reach 100% of potential 28-day strength which could be achieved with continuous underwater curing., 本研究では,水セメント比70%および42%の2種類のコンクリートについて,材齢1 年および5年の実験結果を追加して,長期材齢における初期の水中養生期間の影響について検討した.また,水セメント比70%のコンクリートについて,材齢5 年における中性化深さを測定し,初期の水中養生期間と中性化速度係数の関係について検討した.}, pages = {8--13}, title = {初期の水中養生が材齢5年を経過したコンクリートの品質に及ぼす影響}, year = {2021}, yomi = {サワモト, タケヒロ and ツジ, マサノリ and サカモト, タイガ and シタマ, コウイチロウ} }