@article{oai:iot.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000203, author = {日毛, 沙紀 and 澤本, 武博 and 川俣, 孝治 and HIKE, Saki and SAWAMOTO, Takehiro and KAWAMATA, Koji}, issue = {7}, journal = {ものつくり大学紀要, The Bulletin of INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGISTS}, month = {}, note = {We have been developed the simple test to measure chloride ion penetration depth of concrete by using drilling powder and AgNO₃ solution. When the drilling powder each depth of concrete was combined with the AgNO₃ solution, it discolored three varieties of color, and they were light gray, light brown and dark brown. In other words, two discolored boundary appeared. One was discoloration from light gray to light brown (discolored boundaryⅠ). The other was discoloration from light brown to dark brown (discolored boundaryⅡ). In this study, content of chloride ion at the boundaries were investigated. As a result, total chloride ion at the boundaries tended to become little so that consistency of AgNO₃ solution became thin. When the consistency of AgNO₃ solution was 0.05mol/l, the total chloride ion at the discolored boundaryⅠ showed about 6kg/m³ , and the discolored boundaryⅡshowed about 2kg/m³. When the consistency of AgNO₃ solution was 0.025mol/l, the total chloride ion at the discolored boundaryⅠshowed about 3/m³, and the discolored boundaryⅡshowed about 1kg/m³., 本研究では,ドリル削孔粉と硝酸銀溶液を混合した場合の変色境界と塩化物イオン量の関係を検討した.}, pages = {20--25}, title = {ドリル削孔粉を用いた硬化コンクリートの塩化物イオン浸透深さ簡易測定方法-硝酸銀溶液の変色境界と塩化物イオン量の関係-}, year = {2018}, yomi = {ヒケ, サキ and サワモト, タケヒロ and カワマタ, コウジ} }