@article{oai:iot.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000177, author = {後藤, 正明 and 土田, 祥彬 and 澤本, 武博 and 地頭薗, 博 and GOTO, Masaaki and TSUCHIDA, Yoshiaki and SAWAMOTO, Takehiro and ITOZONO, Hiroshi}, issue = {2}, journal = {ものつくり大学紀要, The Bulletin of Institute of Technologists}, month = {}, note = {In general, concrete is repaired with injecting repair materials when the concrete crack is 0.2mm or more. The flexural strength of concrete which includes the concrete crack repaired with injection has been tested to confirm the effect until now. However the axial strength has been hardly tested. In this study, the compressive and the tensile strength of concrete which repaired crack by injecting epoxy resins were investigated. As a result, the compressive strength of concrete repaired crack whose width was from 0.2mm to 1.0mm was higher than non-defective concrete up to nominal strength 40. Furthermore, the tensile strength was more effective than compressive strength by injecting epoxy resins into the crack when concrete strength was not very high. In case of nominal strength 24, the tensile strength of specimen which repaired crack increased about 20% compared with the non-defective concrete specimen. In case of nominal strength 60, the compressive and tensile strength of concrete which repaired crack was the same as that of the non-defective concrete. The method using the cylindrical specimens (φ100mm by 200mm) with controlled crack width can be more effective to examine the axial strength., 本研究では,コンクリートの強度およびひび割れ幅を変化させた試験体に対して,自動式低圧エポキシ樹脂注入工法(以下,低圧工法と略記)で補修した場合の圧縮強度,割裂引張強度および静弾性係数について検討を行った.}, pages = {42--47}, title = {ひび割れにエポキシ樹脂を注入したコンクリートの 圧縮強度および引張強度特性に関する研究}, year = {2011}, yomi = {ゴトウ, マサアキ and ツチダ, ヨシアキ and サワモト, タケヒロ and ジトウソノ, ヒロシ} }