@article{oai:iot.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000132, author = {関, 正寿 and 増渕, 文男 and SEKI, Masatoshi and MASUBUCHI, Fumio}, issue = {4}, journal = {ものつくり大学紀要, The Bulletin of Institute of Technologists}, month = {}, note = {In this paper, I will trace the history of freight transport system between Kita Kanto region and Yokohama port, which was triggered by the impact of opening the Yokohama port in 1859 based on the Treaty of Kanagawa in 1854. This system was established with the purpose of transporting raw silk and silk textiles, and had much effect on the prosperity of both areas. I will demonstrate its transition in the first half of Meiji Era, focusing on basic historical data on silk freight transport system., 本研究は国家事業を基にして建設された高崎線を扱うものである.鉄道建設が北関東に向けられたのは蚕糸業と関係があったことは知られているが¹⁾²⁾,その詳細についての研究は少ない.本論文では高崎線と蚕糸業の密接な関係について定量的な分析を試み,その経営が成功するまでの過程を舟運との比較から調べ,さらに行田と高崎線の関わりを論じるものである.}, pages = {76--83}, title = {わが国初めての民鉄(高崎線)と行田市の関わり}, year = {2013}, yomi = {セキ, マサトシ and マスブチ, フミオ} }